Posts from the ‘Head Junk’ category



Many brilliant artists of all kinds such as musicians, comedians, film stars, authors and of course artists suffer periodically from a condition known as Imposter Syndrome.…



A book that made a huge impact on me is Masanobu Fukuoka’s, The One Straw Revolution. Fukuoka-san was a genius of a man who gave up…

just for the fun of it


When you do what you do, why do you do it? There’s 3 main reasons that people do stuff every day: Money: if you know you’re…



The power of now, means just doing what you feel like and enjoying every moment without wishing it was yesterday or tomorrow. When life gives you…

kitchen table it

kitchen table

When you want to get started on something new, something radically different; your self usually butts in with some excuses as to why you can’t or…



Are you ready to start yet? Are you just about ready to start with your new home based money making idea? How’s the blog set up…