Posts from the ‘Buddhism’ category

the enlightenment

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment, purportedly from the so called Gospel of Buddha. Like Jesus Christ, Siddhartha Gautama was a real geezer, a person who walked the earth. Just so happens that the part of the earth he walked upon was a heavily religious and spiritual part. Hinduism would be ubiquitous and much would be made of the powers and preferences of various gods.

Truth, the saviour

Truth, The Saviour

Truth, The Saviour. Not by accident do the English terms Selfishness and Selflessness project such strong and opposing meanings. One is hugely negative and the other somewhat immeasurably positive.

samsara and nirvana

Samsara And Nirvana

Samsara And Nirvana, another text from the so called Gospel of Buddha, brings up the age old conundrum “What’s the Meaning of Life?”. One can contemplate it forever and never know the answer. Through meditation, the Buddha recognised that the collection of ideas he had about himself were just that, a collection of memories, prejudices and imposed ideals

the disciple speaks

The Disciple Speaks

This is the first extract from texts known as the Gospel of Buddha, purportedly compiled from ancient texts, The Disciple Speaks comes across like so many Christian texts. And, if coming from a western background, you’d be forgiven for assuming Buddhism is another mono-theistic religion.