Posts by John


What’s it all about?, why are we here?, what does it all mean?, is the answer really 42? Well, like many people I’ve struggled with the big question from…


If you’ve ever struggled with the seemingly futile effort of heading off to work at the office or factory you will identify with this post I…


When I write here on the blog, I am guided by a simple rule; “tell it from experience”. If I haven’t lived it I feel kind…


We think too much and that’s a major downside of being human; we think too much about how we got here, what we are here for…


In freedom I touched on the subject of assets by briefly talking about the upper classes or the landed gentry as we tend to think of…


Clutter is probably the most damaging aspect of our modern consumerist lives. I’ve been on a little mini quest to de-clutter my life as completely as…