Needle of death

Cheery title today eh?
Well it’s not all doom and gloom I’m pleased to say. This month’s theme is Assets. How to identify them, how to make them out of thin air and how to deploy them to support your freedom from drudgery and wage slavery arrrgghh!
We are privileged in Scotland to have one of the greatest music festivals in the world right in the dead of winter in our biggest city Glasgow. It’s called Celtic Connections and last night my Daughter and I went along to the final concert of this year’s festival which was a tribute gig for one of Scotland’s greatest acoustic musicians Bert Jansch.
Bert died in 2011, but his legacy and influence will live on forever. You name a big music star and they’ll tell you they were influenced by Bert Jansch.
Last night’s concert was completely awe inspiring and featured such names as Karine Polwart, Martin Simpson, Bernard Butler and Robert Plant and his brilliant band the Sensational Space Shifters.
At the beginning of the second half, no musicians came on stage and they simply showed this video on a huge screen:
That, in case you didn’t know is only Neil Young singing and playing Bert Jansch’s Needle of Death in Jack White’s ancient record your own 45 booth.
Now if that isn’t taking something you know how to do already and applying the kitchen table principle to make an asset right out of thin air, I don’t know what is.
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