‘And how are you mad?’

The Book of Life has an Updated 10 Commandments.
Number 2. The good person knows that everyone is deeply damaged and a little mad, starting with (of course) themselves. They are un-frightened by their own strangeness and are committed to informing those around them of it in very good time, and apologising retrospectively when they have failed at this. They understand that part of their duty is to have a ready answer to the legitimate question, ‘And how are you mad?’
Number 10. The good person knows that the best protection against impatience and paranoia is a little gently-worn pessimism. They budget for disappointment far ahead of time. They don’t cry constantly only because they have understood that the whole of existence is – in many ways – worthy of tears. Their constant awareness of the possibility of death and catastrophe makes them especially appreciative of small things that happen to go well. They relish flowers, balmy skies and so-called ‘boring days’ when everyone manages to go to bed relatively content.
The rest here.
One Response to “‘And how are you mad?’”
What a brilliant site ! Well done John!
I’ll get a proper look later. With reference to the 10 commandments, I quite enjoyed “The Big Question” BB1 Sunday morning.
The question:- “Did God create man, or did man create God”
In spite of all the noise and vitriol no serious conclusion was apparent?
The justification for God being responsible for this evolutionary blunder was defended with a considerable amount of energy I suspect fuelled by “Fear”. And we all know fear can do?